Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This is a great website especially to find great diaper and wipe deals.

wow has it really been that long?

I have done some crazy projects this summer but just have not posted about them.  I have re-done a table and chairs and will be posting pictures.  I did a cute ottoman for a friend.  I am planning to redo a desk and some cool mirrors for my office...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Slacker Blogger!!!

Man, I have been so busy and can't believe how long it's been since I posted.  Well I have tons of projects in the works so please keep posted for those.  I just wanted to say that I am not dead!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Favorite Blog!

I just found this blog today and I LOVE her furniture makeovers.  She is awesome.  Check it out.  I plan to stalk her alot in the future to get some cool ideas.   http://www.akreativeknack.blogspot.com/   She did the cutest desk with spring wallpaper on the front!!! Soooo pretty!

Couponing Project!!!

My latest project the past week has been learning how to coupon and save big!!! Wow, I have learned alot the hard way already in a week.  I need to go to a class or something.  I got onto the Daily Herald person the Amy the Savvy Shopper  http://www.savvyshopperdeals.com/  to start learning how to do it.  She does stuff specific to Utah County which I love cause couponing is not the same here.  We don't get alot of double and no triple coupon stores that I know of.  Anyways, if anybody would like to do this with me or has some good tips, please let me know.  Just a few good deals that I got this week.  BBQ sauce for 14cents a bottle  It would have been free if I realized and used double coupon on tuesday.  They would have owed me money to buy it!  Four FREEE boxes of toothpaste.  Razors for 99cents for Ryan.  I paid 50cents a cartridge which cost 4.25 at Wal-mart a piece. It really does work!!! It will take a little work to get organized and learn the ropes!!!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Anthropologie Brilliant Gathers Lampshade Knock Off...The Finished Product

I am really happy with how the lamps turned out.  I didn't take a before picture of the shades.  They were this waffle type old fashioned shade with gold trim.  I bought both sets of lamps and shades for a total of $14 dollars at D.I.    The Anthropologie lampshade alone without the lamp base is $98 a piece.  Their lamp bases run about $130 for a cheaper one.  That is about $450 in lamps from Anthropologie.  Yeah, like are you SERIOUS???? Does anybody spend that much for lamp?  Please, not me!!!!!.  I spent about $50 for both lamps!!!!!!!!!!!

These are the finished lamps in our partially finished bedroom makeover.  I was able to use some of the same material from the headboard in the lamps.  It's cool.  You can see the two pillows I made on the bed that I have shown on a previous post.. Sooooooooo Cute!  I am so happy that I have a cuter bedroom.  So much more that I can do...the possibilities are endless.

Anthropologie Brillant Gathers Lampshade

I am working on this knock off for my bedroom...It's from Anthropologie for $98.  Do you think I paid that much???? No WAY Jose!!!!!  For the lamps and shades it is about $25 a lamp.  I am doing two.  I can't wait it looks soooooo good...I should be finished this weekend.....It has involved way more sewing than I prefer but it's totally worth it!!!!!