Okay so Mandi from Vintagerevivals.blogspot.com is giving away a makeover to the lucky person who wins this. I need it bad...my basement family room and office are a disaster..remember I told you I sold a bunch of furniture at the yard sale. Well, that was most of my office furniture...and now it's a clean slate ready for glory and glam. First is my basement family room. We just got an awesome flat screen but it looks like a movie star in the slums right now. You will notice in the picture some of the pieces I have redone for me or to sell...they are cute but I need help putting it all together..
Here is the sad office. NOtice the baby decorations on the walls. Do you think a baby lives in this room? Ya, NO. notice the ugly some renter before us tore off the sliding closet doors...and ugly yellowy color on the walls...that's what sucks about renting. We can paint the walls but why pay and do the work? Unless, You have somebody awesome like Mandi coming to do a makeover with some cash from sponsors to pay for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YipppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeKiayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
So, starting on May 1st she opens up voting and people have to vote for their favorite room and I need my peeps to pick me!!!!!
Paleeeeezeeee vote for me....I am so in need of this...this would lift my spirits into the next year of the next life if I won!!!! Love ya'll!