Saturday, April 2, 2011

Yo this is my second blog....

So, this is different than the other blog that I let fall to the wayside...I don't ever remember the name cause who needs a blog when you have facebook, right?  Well, I decided I did want a blog again cause I wanted a better format to spill out all my creative juices onto.  Facebook is slightly inhibiting in that way.  So here it goes.  I will confess that I have always been a projectiOholic, all my life.  However, recently I have begun project after project and can't stop.  It is such an outlet especially since becoming a mostly stay at home mom who has tendencies towards depression and sitting and mindlessly watching hours of TV.  So, I decided to get off my butt and do something.  I realized that I love refinishing furniture.  It started out as a way to brighten up my drab living room.  My friend refered me to a blog and I was totally hooked from that point on.  I also love  I hope they will repay me for those plugs someday but they probably don't need the favor anyways.  I will attempt to dazzle you with my creativeness and hope that you appreciate and give me feedback.  So, here are some pictures of the following recent projects I have done.  Just to name a few...You gotta start somewhere, right?

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