Monday, April 11, 2011

Project Binge over the weeekend!

Man did I go on a binder...I am in project detox from this weekend.  My friend and I each made headboards, I worked on teacup lamps, started pillow projects...and cleaned my house after all the chaos are some fun pictures of the headboard project and some others. Can you believe that we made the headboards out of old doors we found in our basement???? So cool, the most expensive was the Z bar on the back used to hang it and my fabric...My friend got her fabric for $18.  So, a door, 3 yards of fabric and a few other items you can have a beautiful headboard in no time for a fraction of the cost. 

This is a super cute pillow I made.  I went to Target and I could not believe how outrageous the price of pillows were so I went to wal mart and for like $4 a yard I got this cute silky cream fabric and did this shabby pleated pillow to add to my new bed makeover.  I love it!!!!

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